Zetly: Revolutionizing the world of sport with technology

Zetly is an innovative company that aims to revolutionize the world of sport by integrating the latest blockchain technologies. By creating a cohesive digital ecosystem for sport, Zetly opens up new opportunities for sports organizations, federations and individual athletes.

Shaping the future of sport through technology

Zetly’s vision is focused on creating a valuable space for athletes, sports clubs and federations through strategic partnerships, technological innovation and educational activities. Our mission is to continually develop an ecosystem that supports the development of sport at every level, offering a clear path to success in the rapidly changing world of sport and technology.

Zetly is committed to transparency, security and growth, which is key to building sustainable and effective relationships with investors and partners. Our roadmap includes the introduction of a number of innovative tools, such as a mobile platform for creating and trading NFTs, a sports academy to support the development of digital skills and global educational webinars to raise awareness and competence around blockchain technology in sport.

Through these activities, Zetly is not only aiming to transform the way athletes and sports organizations manage their resources, but is also shaping the future of sport by adapting it to the needs of the modern digital world.

Developing Zetly initiatives

Short interview with Michal Glijer and Rafal Gelner, Founders of Zetly.

You are planning to launch the MVP of your platform in the fourth quarter of this year. Can you reveal what functionality this first version of the app will include?

Rafal Gelner: Our MVP will focus on creating a solid foundation  for a multi functional ecosystem that will enable individual athletes and sports organizations to create NFT products and publish them in fan store for fans to acquire. In short MVP will include: NFT Creator, NFT Fan Store, Wallet and Zetly Connect. We want everyone to be able to easily manage their digital assets and benefit from the new opportunities that blockchain technology offers.

What are your plans for sports partnerships in the near future?

MIchal Glijer In addition to our partnerships with the Polish Olympic Committee and the Polish Basketball Leagues, we are in advanced discussions about new partnerships that will allow us to strengthen our position in the market. These partnerships are key to ensuring that our platform has a real impact on the sports ecosystem.

What benefits will your partnerships with basketball leagues and other sports organizations bring?

Michal Glijer These partnerships are fundamental to our growth strategy. They enable us to offer our users unique products and services that will have a direct impact on the way people engage with sport. Working with these organizations also allows us to continuously build and grow the market.

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Explaining the Zetly Ecosystem

Discover Zetly – the ultimate platform for fans, sports clubs, federations, athletes and sponsors. This unique ecosystem brings together club tokens, NFTs, sports memorabilia, play-to-earn games and digital sports wallets in one place, allowing clubs to offer unique sets of digital collectibles and athletes to create crowdfunding campaigns. We are redefining revenue opportunities and introducing new ways for partners and sponsors to interact with fans.

Zetly Fueling Sports

Zetly, an innovative company specializing in tokenization and fan engagement, has captured the enormous potential of NFT in the industry. Through the implementation of NFT gating, fans can acquire exclusive digital collectibles and experiences, creating a sense of ownership and connectivity that was previously unimaginable. As a result, sports organizations can. not only generate new revenue streams, but also reward loyal and engaged fans while building stronger ties with their audience.

Zetly Sport – the heart of modern sports engagement

The Zetly Sport module is a key component of the Zetly platform that effectively addresses two fundamental challenges of modern sport: insufficient revenues for clubs and the lack of deep fan involvement in the sporting life. This innovative solution opens the door to new financial opportunities and interactive fan engagement for sports clubs.

Club Tokenization

One of the most important aspects of Zetly Sport is the ability to issue its own club currency in the form of utility tokens. This cutting-edge tool allows clubs to generate additional revenue that can be spread over time, ensuring financial stability and growth for many years to come. These tokens serve not only as a means of payment within the club’s ecosystem, but also as a reward for the most engaged fans.

Engagement and Interaction with Supporters

Zetly Sport provides clubs with tools to engage fans at various levels of interaction. Token holders can decide on certain aspects of a club’s operations, such as the choice of jersey designs for the new season, the locations of away matches, and even the music repertoire before the game. This increases fans’ sense of belonging and influence over their clubs, which is key to building a strong and engaged community.

Education and Entertainment

The Zetly Sport module addresses the educational and entertainment needs of fans. With features such as Away Games, fans can virtually attend their team’s away games, gaining knowledge about the cities and histories of the clubs they visit. This makes every away game a learning and fun opportunity, whether the fan is present at the stadium or participating remotely.

Monetization Through Innovation

In addition to generating revenue from tokens, Zetly Sport also offers income opportunities through the sale of collectible club products and digital items. Clubs can issue limited editions of memorabilia that are only available to token holders, increasing the exclusivity and value of the products offered.

Loyalty and Awards

The module includes a rewards and loyalty system that allows clubs to recognize their most loyal fans through special offers and digital collectible assets. The most committed fans can receive unique rewards that are not available to the wider public, further deepening their connection to the club.

Zetly NFT Creator

The Zetly NFT Creator module was designed with sports clubs in mind, allowing them to create and issue their own NFT tokens. This intuitive and easy-to-use module allows them to quickly bring digital assets to market, opening up new opportunities for fan engagement and revenue generation. Clubs can use NFT to digitize and monetize unique sports moments, such as records of record goals or historic matches. By controlling the supply and characteristics of the collection, clubs can create value in the secondary market, resulting in increased fan interest and loyalty. Zetly NFT Creator also enables copyright protection and ensures the authenticity of each token issued.

Play to Earn

The Play to Earn module on the Zetly platform transforms fans’ active participation into playable experiences that reward them with digital assets. NFT games integrated with real-world sporting events allow fans to earn points that can be redeemed for exclusive rewards, access to unique content or virtual meetings with players. Fans can collect and trade these resources inside the Zetly ecosystem, further increasing engagement. This innovative approach not only strengthens fans’ bond with their favorite clubs, but also opens up new monetization channels for sports organizations.

Zetly Crowd

Zetly Crowd is an innovative crowdfunding module aimed at athletes, artists and small sports clubs, which allows them to finance their projects and development through a community of fans. With this module, users can invest in their favorite teams or players by purchasing tokens, which can later bring both financial and intangible benefits. The module also allows the creation of campaigns on a donation basis, where fans can support their favorite teams directly, without waiting for a return. Zetly Crowd is a response to the growing need for external funding in sports, especially among younger and lesser-known talents.

Zetly Digital Collectibles

The Digital Collectibles module on the Zetly platform allows fans to buy, store and sell digital sports cards and other collectibles. Using blockchain technology, each collection is protected from counterfeiting, ensuring its uniqueness and authenticity. Fans can collect digital cards and items from different sports in one place – the Zetly digital wallet. The platform not only provides the ability to trade and exchange between fans from all over the world, but also offers the option to sell and authenticate sports memorabilia through NFT, which opens up new perspectives for collectors and sports fans. The Collectibles module bridges the gap between traditional collecting and modern technology, allowing investment in digital and physical collectibles.


All in all, Zetly offers a rich ecosystem of solutions that integrate modern technology into the daily lives of athletes and fans. Michal Glijer and Rafal Gelner, founders of the platform, believe that their model will be warmly received among clubs and federations thanks to its revenue-generating capabilities, as well as better engagement and greater interaction with fans. With Zetly, sports organizations can not only earn more, but also offer fans new and exciting ways to participate in sports.

Stay tuned for more detailed updates and sign up for our Newsletter.

Zetly: dwuletnia podróż od pomysłu po MVP projektu i listing 

Zetly, platforma stworzona aby rewolucjonizować zaangażowanie fanów poprzez cyfrowe aktywa, osiągnęła znaczące kamienie milowe na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch lat. Mimo trudnych warunków rynkowych, zespół wytrwale realizował wizję firmy, angażując się w dynamiczny rozwój i innowacje.

Osiągnięcia i Kamienie Milowe


Rok 2022 był rokiem dynamicznego rozwoju i licznych partnerstw, które miały znaczący wpływ na rozszerzenie działalności Zetly. Wśród najważniejszych osiągnięć i partnerstw znalazły się:

Zetly rozwinęło także swoje kanały komunikacji z społecznością, prowadząc grupy na Telegramie i inne media społecznościowe w pięciu językach, co wspierało organiczny rozwój i aktywność w społeczności.

W ramach programu pilotażowego Sport Metaverse, we współpracy z amerykańskim partnerem technologicznym Transmira, Michal Glijer i Robert Rice zainicjowali projekt dedykowany dla 3 głównych marek sportowych, co przyciągnęło zainteresowanie wielu europejskich klubów sportowych.


W 2023 roku, Zetly kontynuowało swoją misję innowacji i rozwoju, osiągając nowe etapy w swojej działalności i wprowadzając znaczące zmiany w strukturze i ofercie. Kluczowe osiągnięcia to:

2024 i przyszłość

W nadchodzącym roku 2024 Zetly skupia się na rozszerzeniu swojej obecności na rynku i umacnianiu pozycji lidera w technologiach WEB3 w sporcie. Planowane działania obejmują:

Analiza i Wnioski

Jak podsumowuje Michal Glijer, Founder  Zetly: “Kluczowymi elementami naszego sukcesu były innowacyjność, umiejętność adaptacji do zmieniającego się rynku oraz niezachwiana wiara w naszą wizję. Wykorzystanie cyfrowych aktywów do zaangażowania fanów otworzyło przed nami nowe możliwości i horyzonty. Zetly ma ogromną szansę na sukces nie tylko w tej części Europy, ale na światowym rynku. Wiemy, jak zmienić świat sportu i zaangażowanie fanów, jesteśmy odpowiednio przygotowani do wprowadzenia naszych partnerów do świata Web3 poprzez autorskie projekty szkoleń i materiały Data Room Sport, gdzie znajduje się wiele opracowań potrzebnych przy budowaniu rynku. Tworzymy agencję marketingu sportowego Web3, która będzie obsługiwać naszych klientów.”

Podsumowanie i Przyszłe Kierunki

Zetly kontynuuje swoją misję rewolucjonizowania świata sportu przez technologie cyfrowe. Przedsiębiorstwo planuje dalsze rozszerzanie swojej działalności, umacnianie marki na rynku i dążenie do liderowania w przestrzeni Web3. 

Jak zauważa Rafał Gelner CEO Zetly Group : “przed nami kolejne wyzwania, ale także ogromne możliwości. Jesteśmy gotowi na przyszłość, która niewątpliwie przyniesie jeszcze więcej emocjonujących projektów i innowacji. W najbliższej przyszłości planujemy ukończenie MVP w Q3 tego roku, listing tokena ZET na jednej ze światowych giełd, dalszą rozbudowę platformy, a przede wszystkim wdrożenie z naszymi partnerami case study dla NFT w oparciu o nasze rozwiązania. 

Zakładamy, że po uruchomieniu platformy, kolejne sportowe partnerstwa będą tylko kwestią czasu. Wykonaliśmy naprawdę wiele, więc jak prawdziwi wikingowie nie znamy słowa porażka, dlatego też z ogromnym optymizmem patrzymy w przyszłość i zapraszamy wszystkich do wzięcia udziału w naszym pre-sale tokena ZET, który pozwoli nam w dalszym ciągu rozbudowywać nasz projekt po odpaleniu MVP.”